Viewing LinkedIn Profiles Anonymously, Blogging and More – November 2016

Brand Career Management Monthly Tip Sheet

Hello Everyone.In the US, it’s the month of Thanksgiving so I am going to share some thanks. All of the technology for the MTS is working well now (thanks to CVNI who handles these technical tasks), and I thank all of you who replied back after the October issue and continued to share positive feedback. After going over some initial data with CVNI, I found there were not too many “unsubscribes” to this endeavor, and I am thankful for that too!


As I mentioned in my very first issue, the reason I started this Monthly Tip Sheet was based on feedback from past clients. I’d like to continue gathering feedback from some of you beyond this forum. I want to create a focus group of an electronic sort, where I send out short focused surveys from time to time (I promise, not too many). I plan to raffle off something to win each time I send out a survey. Initially, I want to ask about social media behaviors and potential book topics / formats, but I’m sure over time I will ask about other topics as needed, all in the vein of listening to my audience. For this project, I am seeking a narrowly focused group of mid-career women aged 40 – 60. If you fit this profile (or are really close to it) and are interested, please hit reply and let me know by November 15.

By the way, November is National Career Development Month and November 16 is National Career Development Day. Like Maryland, your state may be holding an art and poetry contest to celebrate (age categories range from elementary school, up to college). Find out more here >

Have a happy Thanksgiving holiday and best wishes to you on your career journey!


P.S. I only want to send things to those who want to receive them. If you want to unsubscribe at any time, please follow the instructions at the bottom of this message.


Know how to look at other profiles anonymously. We’ve all been there . . . you want to look someone up on LinkedIn but you don’t want them to see you did so. Is there a way to do this? Yes, there is!

In the Settings & Privacy section, under the Privacy tab, choose Profile Viewing Options.

If you select “Private Mode,” people will only see Anonymous when you have viewed their profile. There is a downside. With a free account, in this mode, you will not be able to see who has viewed your profile.


There is a lot going on with LinkedIn lately, so I’m going to focus all of this issue’s links on LinkedIn. In a future issue, I will tackle the new LinkedIn feature that allows people to “secretly” let recruiters know they are open to new opportunities.

Endorsements and recommendations continually confuse LinkedIn users. Here are two posts that might help you in this area:

  1. LinkedIn Expert, Anne Pryor, gives excellent advice on how to write a good recommendation. Most of us don’t know what to say so here’s some help.
  2. On the other end of things, this post written by Yolanda Yeh on the official LinkedIn blog, shares some cool changes that are happening to make the endorsement section more meaningful. This is a welcome change!

In addition, here is some great advice from branding guru William Arruda on making the most of your LinkedIn profile. Stop making these 6 mistakes on LinkedIn >

And finally, LinkedIn updated its blogging platform in recent months. This “hot off the press” post reaction by LinkedIn Expert Viveka von Rosen shares some tips, but it makes the most sense if you have written a post before the changes. If not, you may want to start with these links from the LinkedIn Help Center about how to write a post on LinkedIn and publishing guidelines.


I will be virtually presenting a Two-Part LinkedIn webinar series for members of The Rabbinical Assembly of New York.

Part One – Demystifying the LinkedIn Profile on Monday, November 21, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Part Two – Making Better Connections on LinkedIn on Monday, December 12, 11:30 am – 12:30 pm

Paula Brand - MS, GCDF, CPRW, JCTC
Paula Brand – MS, GCDF, CPRW, JCTC, Global Career Coach & Consultant | LinkedIn Expert | Speaker, Trainer, Facilitator
As an experienced Career Counselor & Coach, my mission is to inspire you to manage your career by embracing LinkedIn! Reach your career goals faster by letting me show you how to use LinkedIn more effectively. By staying on top of the constant changes, I can save you time and make this process much easier. Write to: or call me at 443-254-8173. If you received this from a friend and would like to receive your own Monthly Tip Sheet, subscribe to our blog and be notified of future workshops, please email me or visit my website to sign up.

If you received this from a friend and would like to receive your own Monthly Tip Sheet, please sign up below.