More on LinkedIn Changes and Ways to Give Your Career Some Love – February 2017

Brand Career Management Monthly Tip Sheet

Hello Everyone.Welcome to February, which bring us Valentine’s Day and the theme of romance. In that regard, this issue will share some ideas to give your career some love. I always say that nobody will ever care about your career as much as you, so it’s up to you to keep the flame alive. That might mean getting a new job or finding ways to add challenge to your current role. It could involve making time to grow professionally, or it could mean starting the process of changing careers. Whatever it means to you, I encourage you to find a way to give your career some love this month (and in the coming months). It doesn’t magically happen on its own. If you don’t do it, who will?


Best wishes,


P.S. I only want to send things to those who want to receive them. If you want to unsubscribe at any time, please follow the instructions at the bottom of this message.


Warning, Changes are Still Underway:  As mentioned in the last issue, LinkedIn is in the midst of rolling out major changes in the design of the home and profile pages. I’ve heard that it will take until May for the entire roll out to be completed; however, your profile could change any day between now and then (mine still hasn’t changed but I’m prepared for it). I found a new post / video by UK LinkedIn Expert Mark Williams, that shares a good work-around to compensate for the loss of the advanced search feature.

Take Precautions:  Don’t forget to give your LinkedIn account some love and protection. If you didn’t do it yet, please back up your LinkedIn contacts before your profile view changes. Once that happens, you will not be able to follow this guidance anymore. Again, take Jim Peacock’s step-by-step advice and back up your LinkedIn data TODAY.


One great way to give your career love is to attend a conference. I highly suggest attending at least one professional conference a year. I usually attend more than one annually. Last year I didn’t attend any and I truly missed the experience. Going to conferences gives you a great way to network with people who have a common interest, and it keeps you up-to-date on trends in your field. However, we all have a limited amount of time and money, so you need to be selective. Harvard Business Review columnist Dorie Clark shares some great conference advice in the

Are you searching for a new job? Jeff Kauflin at Forbes offers job search advice, intermingled with a list of ten job hunt related sites to help your job search.

If you’ve succeeded in securing an interview, congratulations! Here are a few tips to give your interview some love: shares advice (infographic style) to help you make a great first impression and excel during the interview.

Kate Lopaze of The Job Network offers tips specifically to help you with group and panel interviews.


Over the coming months, I will be spreading the word about the major LinkedIn overhaul and how to best manage these changes.

Tuesday, February 28 at 5 pm (closed to the public)
at St. John’s College in Annapolis, Maryland.

Tuesday, March 28 at 4 pm (closed to the public)
at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland.

Monday, May 15 at 7 pm (free and open to the public)
at the Broadneck Branch of the Anne Arundel County Public Library (AACPL). You can R.S.V.P. starting on May 1.

I’m really interested in speaking to women’s groups focused on mid-career professionals between 40 – 60 years of age. If you know of any groups that match this criteria, please let me know. Three popular topics I can address are: Assessing and Marketing your Strengths, Proactively Changing Careers, and Managing your Career for Success.

Paula Brand - MS, GCDF, CPRW, JCTC
Paula Brand – MS, GCDF, CPRW, JCTC, Global Career Coach & Consultant | LinkedIn Expert | Speaker, Trainer, Facilitator
As an experienced Career Counselor & Coach, my mission is to inspire you to manage your career by embracing LinkedIn! Reach your career goals faster by letting me show you how to use LinkedIn more effectively. By staying on top of the constant changes, I can save you time and make this process much easier. Write to: or call me at 443-254-8173. If you received this from a friend and would like to receive your own Monthly Tip Sheet, subscribe to our blog and be notified of future workshops, please email me or visit my website to sign up.

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