How to Use LinkedIn QR Code to Find Others on the Fly

November 2019

When developing your career, you want to grow your network and adding LinkedIn connections is one way to do that. Even better, connecting on LinkedIn in the moment you are meeting someone new can be a great idea for many reasons. It helps confirm spelling (which can be helpful if it’s unusual or hard to understand the pronunciation). It also assists your memory since you’ll see it in writing. Finally, it saves time and avoids forgetting to do it later. Thankfully, LinkedIn has made it even easier to connect in the moment with QR codes.

Did you know you have a QR code for your LinkedIn profile? I didn’t until I attended the ATD conference in May when a fellow attendee showed it to me. The beauty of this feature is that it provides a way for you to easily find others on LinkedIn, especially when someone doesn’t have a business card handy. You can access it using the LinkedIn mobile app (of course, you both have to be LinkedIn users with the mobile app downloaded for this to work). Next time you meet someone new in person, give it a try.

To access it, open your LinkedIn app. Look to the right side of the search box (top of the screen). You’ll see a symbol that looks like three boxes and an x in the shape of a square.  If you touch on that symbol, you’ll have the option to scan the QR code or to show your code to someone else. After you scan someone’s LinkedIn QR code, their profile will magically appear on your phone.

Note that scanning their QR code doesn’t automatically connect you two. You will still have to send them an invitation (and don’t forget to customize your invitation, as I mentioned in the (May LinkedIn Tip of the Month). As a bonus, the QR code avoids having to type the person’s name in the search box and having to ask them “Is this you?” if there are many people with the same name. 

Have fun connecting with others as you check out this LinkedIn feature! 

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